School Zone Traffic Safety

Motorists, please reduce your speed in school zones and obey all traffic signs. U-turns should only be performed in designated areas!!

Today, nearly three in four children are being driven to school. It’s important for motorists to drive with caution in school zones and for students to learn about road and pedestrian safety. According to a CAA study, parents with young children have reported the top two hazardous driving behaviours that motorists perform in a school zone are speeding and distracted driving. For more information, visit

CAA School Zone Safety Tips for Motorists:

Absences Add Up!

Did you know?

  • Being on time for school sets your child up for a great day of learning.
  • Even in Kindergarten, absences can cause children to fall behind in their learning.
  • Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it difficult to learn to read – a critical future skill.

Please take a moment to view this video featuring local community Leaders as they discuss the importance of everyone focusing on school attendance. Attendance Matters - United Way Regina