How do I pay for my son/daughter’s school fees and field trips this year?
Plainsview is moving towards an easier and more efficient way in September 2017 – Cash Online.
Safe - No cash travelling to school with students.
Efficient - In the last school year, our staff spent hundreds of hours handling cash.
Convenient for parents/students - Make payments anytime, online. Give permission on line - NO more lost permission slips.
Flexibility through a secure website – Debit, credit card (MC and VISA) and eWallet (myWallet).
An excellent option! myWallet.
Load a given amount into myWallet. It’s then available to you throughout the entire school year to pay for your children’s trips etc…as they happen. Any unspent amount would be carried over to the following school year.
If you choose to select myWallet as your payment method, you may be asked to load funds into myWallet. Loading funds into myWallet does not constitute a purchase. Your school cannot access these funds until you complete the purchase from your account.
How to register:
Step 1: Go to School Cash Online: https://rbe.schoolcashonline.com/
Step 2: Set up an account and link your child/self to the account.
Step 3: Access your School Cash Online to review your account and make online payments.
Note: In some circumstances the school will still accept cash as an alternate method of payment.